Today we kicked off the week-long information gathering sessions with Identropy. We spent the day filling in Ash and Byron about the various meetings that have been scheduled, and a little overview of the technical architecture, as well as I could do, at least...
We should have a very informative week ahead of us -- the meetings have been scheduled with many of the key people around the University, including business and technical people from many of the colleges and departments, as they pertain to identity management. The response to the meeting invitations has been good so far -- hopefully the sub-zero temperatures later in the week don't discourage people from attending!
These first sessions will help to provide a general overview of many of the processes and systems for the vast majority of user populations at the UofR. Once this first round of meetings is complete, we'll have some more "deep-dive" sessions to really drill down into the details of whatever subset of users/processes is decided to be phase 1 of the project.
I'll post again at the end of the week, with some more thoughts about the interview sessions with the data and system owners.